Recovery and Aftercare Following Endoscopic CSF Leak Repair

A woman using nasal drops.

What is Endoscopic CSF Leak Repair

Endoscopic CSF leak repair addresses the issue of cerebrospinal fluid leakage originating from a breach in the protective dura mater surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

A nasal endoscope is inserted inside to navigate the nasal passages to find the breach in the dura mater commonly found at the skull base.

Using small surgical tools,the identified breach in the dura mater is meticulously patched using an Alloderm graft and mucosal tissue from the nasal passages. 

Recovery and Postoperative Instructions

Following the surgical procedure,patients typically undergo a 1-2 night stay for rest and continuous monitoring. In rare instances,some may require the placement of a lumbar drain to prevent excessive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure within the spine.

Habits to Adopt for Optimal Healing

In the initial phase of recovery,patients are advised to adopt specific practices to facilitate healing and prevent undue pressure on the repaired dura mater:

Gentle Nasal Care:

  • Refrain from forceful blowing or wiping of the nose.
  • Avoid vigorous sniffing,promoting a gentle approach to nasal care.
  • Address persistent or worsening nosebleeds by sitting up and applying oxymetazoline spray as directed.

Medication Compliance:

  • Ensure adherence to prescribed medications until completion as part of the postoperative regimen.

First Week of Recovery

Nasal Moisturization:

  • Maintain nasal moisture using saltwater spray 3-4 times daily (unless instructed otherwise) during the first week.
  • Opt for rest while maintaining an upright posture during the day and sleep with the head slightly elevated for comfort.
  • Expect mild bloody nasal drainage during the initial 24-72 hours post-surgery,which is considered normal.

First 30 Days of Postoperative Care

Activity Limitations:

  • Refrain from lifting heavy objects,straining,or excessively bending over during the initial 30 days.
  • Utilize stool softeners to ease bowel movements and prevent straining.

Nasal Irrigation Caution:

  • Avoid forceful nasal irrigation techniques such as squeeze bottles or neti pots.

When to Contact Your Healthcare Provider

In the postoperative period,promptly seek medical attention if experiencing the following:

  • Persistent nasal bleeding or unceasing clear nasal discharge.
  • Noticeable bruising or swelling around the eye region.
  • Sustained fever exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

To learn more click the link below.

Dr. Amy Anstead | Endoscopic CSF Leak Repair

Portland Sees Alarming Increase in Car Crashes and Injuries in Recent Years

New data from the Portland Crash Analysis & Reporting Unit reveals a worrying upward trend in motor vehicle crashes over the past year. Compared to the previous year,Portland saw a rise of 18.76% overall in crashes in 2021,including a 20% rise in fatal crashes and 22.67 percent more non-fatal injury crashes.

In raw numbers,Portland recorded 45,295 total crashes in 2021,including over 550 deadly crashes and 23,729 crashes that resulted in non-fatal injuries. An additional over 21,000 crashes resulted in property damage only. This translates to approximately 125 crashes per day on average in 2021.

More Crashes Leading to More Injuries and Fatalities

With the large increase in crashes,injuries and fatalities also rose significantly. Five hundred ninety-nine people were killed in Portland traffic crashes in 2021,up 18.15% over 2020. Total people injured jumped by over 28% to 35,945.

Drivers accounted for the majority of fatalities and injuries,but vulnerable road users like pedestrians and bicyclists also saw high casualty counts. Eighty-eight pedestrians and 18 bicyclists were killed in crashes last year,with many more injured.

Errors Leading to Crashes

Driver errors were the top cause of most crashes in Portland last year. The most common mistakes included:

  • Failing to avoid stopped or parked vehicles ahead
  • Failing to yield right-of-way
  • Driving too fast for the conditions
  • Inattention/distraction
  • Following too closely

For pedestrians,the top errors were failing to yield right-of-way and crossing between intersections rather than at crosswalks. Bicyclists commonly did not to yield right-of-way or rode inattentively.

Young Drivers at High Risk

The data shows young drivers between ages 15-20 were involved in a disproportionate share of fatal and injury crashes compared to their share of drivers. This age group was involved in over 18% of such crashes despite making up a far smaller portion of total drivers.

Call for Action

The alarming rise in crashes and injuries on Portland’s streets presents a major public safety issue. As the data makes clear,more must be done to improve driver awareness and skills,enhance traffic law enforcement,redesign dangerous roads,and protect vulnerable road users.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle crash,contact insert name,a personal injury lawyer in Portland,OR,at insert Law Firm. They have decades of experience winning compensation for crash victims in Portland and understand the impact these traumatic events have on victims’ lives. Work with a seasoned legal team to recover damages,hold negligent parties accountable,and help make the roadways safer for everyone.


Complications of Untreated Nasal Polyps: Potential Risks and Long-Term Effects

Understanding Nasal Polyps and Their Impact on Health

Nasal polyps are soft,noncancerous growths inside the nose and sinuses. They hang like drops or pears,partially obstructing the nasal airway.

Nasal polyps form because of constant irritation of the internal lining of the nose from allergies,asthma,and other chronic or long-lasting inflammatory diseases.

Nasal polyps can impact health by continuing the cycle of chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation causes nasal polyps. Nasal polyps obstruct the nasal airway and worsen the inflammation. Thus,visiting your health professional for diagnosis,treatment,and prognosis is important.

The Connection Between Nasal Polyps and Chronic Inflammatory Disease

It is not yet understood why some people develop nasal polyps while others don’t. There is evidence that people with different immune system responses develop polyps and people with different chemical markers in their nasal lining that produce mucus. Nasal polyps are most common in young adults and middle-aged adults.

Nasal polyps are associated with chronic nasal and sinus inflammation,aka chronic rhinosinusitis,lasting 12 weeks or more. Chronic rhinosinusitis can result from chronic inflammatory diseases such as recurring infections or allergies. 

Potential complications can arise from the coexistence of nasal polyps and chronic inflammatory diseases. Nasal polyps can block airflow and normal drainage in the nasal cavity,negatively impacting recovery. Complications then occur if left untreated. 

Recognizing the Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Chronic sinusitis with nasal symptoms can feel like a cold. But a cold goes away after a few days. Here are common symptoms associated with nasal polyps:

  • Persistent stuffiness that causes difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Less sense of smell
  • Less sense of taste
  • Postnasal drip that causes a constant need to swallow
  • Runny nose
  • Snoring
  • Headache
  • Pain over the face and in upper teeth
  • Pressure over your forehead and face where the sinuses are
  • Itching around the eyes
  • Cough
  • Frequent nosebleeds

Why Seeking Healthcare Provider Expertise is Essential

With the symptoms and cascading complications from chronic inflammation,it is important to consult your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can diagnose based on your symptoms and medical history through their expertise. Or they can refer you to other healthcare providers that can give diagnostic tests. Here are diagnostic tools and techniques healthcare providers can use to confirm whether you have nasal polyps.


Your healthcare provider can use a non-invasive technique by looking into your nasal cavity with a lighted instrument called a nasoscope or otoscope.

Nasal Endoscopy

Your healthcare provider can perform a nasal endoscopy if the nasal polyp is possibly deeper inside your sinuses. In this procedure,your healthcare provider will guide a thin,lightweight,and flexible tube with a light and camera on the end into your nasal passages.


Once polyps are confirmed in the nasal cavity,the healthcare provider must know their exact size and location. They will use a CT scan or MRI scan to do so. The scans will confirm if the polyps have deformed the bone area or rule out other types of growth,such as cancerous growth.

Allergy Tests

Aside from finding polyps,your healthcare provider must also determine the source of your chronic inflammation. They may perform allergy tests.

Allergy tests involve testing liquid variations of different allergens on the skin of your forearm or upper back. You may feel minimal pricking after the substances make contact with your skin. After 15 minutes,your healthcare provider will check for allergic reactions.

Blood Test

They may also order a blood test to check for low levels of Vitamin D associated with nasal polyps.

Potential Risks of Untreated Nasal Polyps

If left untreated,complications can arise and affect nasal function and breathing with long-term effects. Nasal polyps and chronic inflammation can increase susceptibility to sinus infections and cause recurrent allergies. With obstructed nasal function,breathing is also affected,causing reduced sleep quality and fatigue. 

Increased Susceptibility to Sinus Infections and Recurrent Allergies

Untreated nasal polyps can also worsen the symptoms of sinus infections and allergies. It can block nasal passages and prevent drainage of stagnant mucus. Prolonged inflammation can weaken the body’s immune response and cause complications such as:

  • Bacterial sinus infections of the tissues around the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
  • Bacterial sinus infections of the sinus bones (osteitis)
  • Bacterial sinus infections of the tissues around the eye (orbital cellulitis)
  • Asthmatic flare-ups

The Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

Due to the possible complications of untreated nasal polyps,early detection and intervention is important. With timely diagnosis,symptoms can be managed and avoid complications. Below are the two treatment options for nasal polyps: medical treatment,such as nasal sprays,and surgical intervention. 

Medications and Nasal Sprays in Managing Nasal Polyps

There are different medications to reduce polyp size and relieve symptoms of congestion.

  • Nasal Steroids
  • Oral Corticosteroids
  • Injectable corticosteroids
  • Dupilumab
  • Antihistamine and Antibiotics

Surgical Intervention: When is it Necessary?

An indication for surgical intervention is the persistence of symptoms,even with drug treatment. Most surgical procedures for nasal polyp removal are outpatient procedures.

General or local anesthesia is used for the surgery. General anesthesia makes the patient unconscious for the procedure,so they don’t feel any pain. Patients under local anesthesia may feel pressure with no discomfort.

Polypectomy requires a microdebride that cuts the polyps into small pieces as it moves back and forth. At the same time,its suction removes the debrided tissue.

Endoscopic sinus surgery is used to remove larger polyps. The endoscope allows the healthcare provider to see inside your nose. Specialized instruments are used to remove the polyps.

Trust Puget Sound Sinus Center for Expert Care

If nasal polyps are left untreated,diagnosis and treatment can seem daunting. But with Puget Sound Sinus Center by your side,we ensure a comfortable experience with holistic patient-centered care. 

Puget Sound Sinus Center comprises a team of experienced sinus specialists dedicated to giving patients personalized and compassionate care with state-of-the-art treatments and advanced techniques.

Click below for more information

Untreated Nasal Polyps

What are Social Security Survivor Benefits?

Social security benefits are mostly known for those of partial or full retirement age,though there are several different types of benefits,such as survivor benefits. The official name of the program is Old-Age Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) which helps your spouse or dependents receive a passed-on spouse’s social security benefits on top of their own. 

Below you’ll find information that gives a more in-depth understanding of a widow’s social security benefit derived from their spouse and some advice on how to navigate the complex rules of the program. 

Who Qualifies for Social Security Survivors Benefits?

To qualify for social security survivor benefits,you’ll have to meet the requirements for eligibility,which include:

  • You must be a widow or widower of any age who is caring for the deceased’s child or children under the age of 16,or who are disabled.
    • Step-children,grandchildren,step-grandchildren,and adopted children can be included under certain circumstances
  • A widow or widower who is 60 years older or more who has not remarried
  • Any unmarried children of the deceased who are younger than 18 years old or have a disability that surfaced before 22 years old.
  • Parents that are 62 years or older that were dependent on the deceased for at least half of their income and whose social security income would not be larger than of the deceased’s children. 
  • A surviving divorced spouse may receive benefits if they meet other eligibility requirements

Another point of qualification is shared with social security retirement requirements,meaning you would have to have worked a certain number of years and gained the proper amount of credits each year for your loved ones to be eligible for the benefits. 

How are Social Security Benefits Calculated for a Widow?

How the benefits are calculated for a widow can quickly become complex as there are several provisions for different circumstances. One such provision is the one-time death benefit payment of $225,which can be issued if the deceased spouse either lived with the widow(er) or was receiving social security benefits on their record. If there is no surviving spouse,the one-time payment can be given to a child who is eligible for the benefits. Another provision is if the death leaves a spouse with dependent children,which allows the benefits to be paid to them if the deceased had earned at least 6 credits within the three calendar years prior to their passing. 

To gain the benefits,a specific amount of credits are needed to be eligible,depending on the age of the spouse who has passed. The younger they are,the fewer credits are needed,but the maximum required is 40. Also,just as with the Social Security Administration’s retirement SSI program,the amount of survivors benefits depends on the average lifetime earnings of the spouse who passed. The more that was earned,the higher the benefit till a maximum amount is reached. 

How Big Can the Benefits Be?

The benefits survivors receive can depend on their age and the type of relationship they had with the deceased:

Widow(er) Benefits

If at the full retirement age,the surviving spouse can receive the total amount of the deceased’s benefits. If they are between the ages of 60 and full retirement age,they can receive between 71% to 99% of the amount. A disabled spouse between 50 and 59 years of age can receive up to 71%,and a spouse caring for a child under the age of 16 at any age can receive up to 75%. A divorced spouse,if they qualify as previously mentioned,can receive the same amounts listed above.

Children and Parent Benefits

Children under the age of 18,or 19 if still in school or disabled,can receive 75% of the deceased parent’s benefit. A parent that is dependent on the deceased is eligible to receive 82% of the benefits,but if both parents are alive and were dependents,then they each can collect 75%.

As you can see,it can become quite complicated to ensure you receive your social security from your loved one. Here at Marken Law Group,we have a comprehensive understanding of social security benefits for surviving spouses. We understand how stressful benefits can be and don’t want to add to your plate during this sad and stressful time. Partner with an experienced ally that is by your side from start to finish with a qualified social security lawyer to help you through this process to secure your benefits.

Secure Your Social Security Benefits Today

What are the Benefits of Assisted Living in San Diego?

The range of Assisted Living services in San Diego,including those that accept assisted living San Diego Medicare coverage,is truly remarkable. From social activities and healthcare to improved safety and security,seniors can experience a higher quality of life with the help of these facilities. With personalized support,medical care,and increased security,they are able to remain independent while receiving comprehensive elderly care. Moreover,the inclusion of Medicare-approved facilities ensures that financial accessibility is considered for many seniors. All together,the benefits associated with Assisted Living in San Diego offer an incredible opportunity for seniors to enjoy a better quality of life – all while providing family members with peace of mind.

What Services are Covered Under Medicare for Assisted Living in San Diego?

In San Diego,Medicare provides coverage for a variety of health care services at assisted living facilities. From medical treatments provided by certified doctors to hospital stays and outpatient visits – even home health care services for those who cannot leave the facility – Medicare Part B is there to help cover doctor’s bills,preventive care and out-patient hospital visits. Social Security payments may also be available depending on your qualifications.

Medicare can assist in covering costs related to personal aide services,homemaker duties,adult day care centers and rehabilitative treatments. In addition,Part D helps cover prescribed medications as well as over-the-counter drugs that have been approved by a healthcare professional. Lastly,durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers needed for medical purposes are eligible for reimbursement through Medicare funds.

What are the Different Levels of Care Available in Assisted Living San Diego?

In San Diego,assisted living offers a unique blend of independence and support that can be invaluable for seniors and those with disabilities. From independent living to memory care,these facilities provide an array of services tailored to the individual’s needs while creating a safe and supportive environment. Whether you need assistance with everyday activities or more extensive care requirements,there are various levels of care available in San Diego assisted living facilities – all designed to help you live life as independently as possible.

How to Choose an Assisted Living Facility in San Diego?

Searching for an ideal assisted living facility in San Diego can be overwhelming. It is essential to think through a few key components before deciding which option fits best. Consider the level of care and quality of staff,as well as the cost and location. Furthermore,it is important to make visits to various potential facilities in order to get a feel for the atmosphere,observe how staff interacts with residents,and ask questions about safety protocols. Research these factors carefully – your selection could be life-changing!

The Advantages Of Composite Fillings Over Amalgam Filling

If you have a cavity or an old filling due for a replacement,you may wonder whether to opt for a composite or amalgam filing. How do you decide which is material is right for you?

The difference between composite and amalgam

Composite fillings are made of a mixture of liquid acrylic resin. They are reinforced with finely ground ceramic. Composite has many benefits. Its a non-toxic material that naturally bonds to your tooth structure. Composite makes teeth strong,durable,and less prone to breakage. Composite also provides a natural appearance,matched to the color of your teeth.

Amalgam fillings are also known as silver fillings. But they arent made of pure silver. Amalgam is a mix of metals including mercury,silver,tin,and copper. They are very strong and can last years. Amalgam fillings create two risks to your health. First,mercury can leak if an amalgam filling is compromised.,amalgam expands and contracts. Overtime it will fail. And as the name implies,these fillings are silver in color Amalgam does not match your natural teeth.

Which type of filling material should you choose?

Both composite and amalgam fillings are used to fill cavities. Choosing which material is right for you comes down to four considerations.

  1. Aesthetics. For a beautiful set of teeth composite fillings,are the right choice. They are matched to your tooth color and are indistinguishable from your existing teeth. Composite is always used for front teeth and other visible teeth. It is the best choice if you want all your teeth to be uniform in appearance.
  2. Durability. Both amalgam and composite are extremely strong materials. In recent years resins used in composite fillings have become stronger. Now a days composites and amalgam are equally durable.
  3. Biocompatibility. The body has natural reactions to materials that cause allergies and toxicities. Amalgam fillings contain mercury. According to the FDA,people with multiple amalgam fillings may have higher mercury levels. But the level is considered safe. Composite fillings,on the other hand are made of biocompatible materials. Biocompatible materials are non-reactive. These materials naturally adhere to the bodys DNA. The result is teeth that are five times stronger than natural teeth. For more information,read the report from the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the NIH.
  4. Cost. The cost of any dental treatment varies depending on insurance coverage. Both amalgam and composite fillings are usually covered by insurance plans. Always check with your insurance company when in doubt. And dont forget,our practice offers financing and cash discounts.

If you are looking to replace old amalgam fillings,or would like a more aesthetically-pleasing,natural-looking smile,were available to talk about your options. 

Dr. Sarah Frahm

A New Design for Your Cherished Home: Nailing Down the Core Principles of Home Remodeling

Are you imagining a new kitchen layout? Possibly a luxury bathroom,or a comfortable basement den? If your heart states “yes”,however your mind is a little overloaded with where to begin,fear not! In this comprehensive guide,we’ll walk you through the basics of house remodeling – making that dream a truth,one step at a time.

Why House Remodeling?

House remodeling isn’t almost changing the visual appeals of your house. It has to do with injecting your personality into the four walls you call home and improving your quality of life. With the ideal planning,your improvement task can increase your home’s value,enhance its functionality,and use a fresh,upgraded look that feels perfect.

Increasing Your House’s Value

An effective home remodeling job can add considerable worth to your home. Whether it’s upgrading the kitchen,including an additional bathroom,or improving the living room,every modification counts,according to But remember,a good renovation job isn’t about changing everything; it has to do with choosing the best updates that will make the greatest effect.

Improving Performance

Are you tired of battling for restroom area in the early morning? Or perhaps you require an additional room for your growing family? Home improvement can resolve these issues,developing a house that fits your altering requirements. Think beyond cosmetic updates – consider how to make your living space work better for you.

Actions to Effective Home Renovation

Now that we understand the why,let’s dig into the how. Here’s your roadmap to a successful home renovating job.

Envision Your Dream Space

Every renovation journey starts with a vision. Gather your concepts,search motivation online,and jot down what you want to achieve,says This action is all about dreaming – so let your imagination run wild!

Set a Spending plan

Home improvement can be pricey,so it’s important to set a realistic budget plan from the beginning. Identify what you’re comfortable costs and plan appropriately. Keep in mind,it’s all right to take on projects in phases if it fits better with your financial strategy.

Work with Professionals

Unless you’re a do it yourself master,you’ll likely require professional assistance. Look for trustworthy home renovating professionals in your area and veterinarian them thoroughly. Keep in mind,it’s not almost discovering the most affordable alternative; you want someone who understands your vision and can bring it to life efficiently.

Pick Wisely: Do It Yourself vs Expert Assistance

Particular jobs might appear workable,but others will require professional proficiency. Always examine your capabilities realistically before starting a DIY venture.

Plan for Interruptions

Home improvement can be disruptive,so plan for it. Ensure you have plans to manage sound,dust,and possible room unavailability during the redesigning process.


House remodeling is a journey of transformation,one that can revive your home. With careful planning,sensible budgeting,and the right expert assistance,you can produce a house that mirrors your personality and caters to your requirements. So why wait? Start dreaming,planning,and producing your best home today!

Are you ready to begin your home renovating journey? Do not hesitate to reach out to our professional group for assistance and guidance. We’re here to assist you every action of the method.

Remember: It’s not simply a home,it’s your house. Make it a space you like!

BetterBuilt Builders  
Address: 1828 S Milpitas Blvd #500,Milpitas,CA 95035  
Phone: (408) 752-1069  